When you enrol onto one of our courses, a commitment is required from us, both financially and in time. Therefore, by paying your deposit you are agreeing to our terms of business outlined below:
1. Payment terms We have agreed the following payment terms with you: Full Course Fee: £1100.00 (including VAT) 2. Refund Policy Once you have started the course (the enrolment date is your course start date), the course fee you have paid will have been spent on training materials, enrolment fees and training time. Therefore, if you wish to withdraw from the course and request a refund, our refund policy applies as follows:
Within 14 days of course enrolment (date you make payment):
I. If you haven’t received any training from us, including your induction (telephone or face to face) you will be entitled to a full refund. You must let us know in writing within 14 days of payment being made (your cooling off period). II. If any assessments, training or guidance have been received by you from us within the first 14 days, then you will be deemed to have started the course. If you have started the course, have received your induction, but no further reviews or tutor guidance, then you may be entitled to a refund of 50% of your full course fee. You must give us notice in writing within 14 days of your payment being made. III. After 14 days, you will not be entitled to any refund, regardless of how far through the course you are. IV. Any notice should be given to us in writing, either by post (Green Penny Ltd, The Incuba, Brewers Hill Road, Dunstable, LU6 1AA) or by email to admin@greenpenny.co.uk
3. Conduct Candidates are expected to present themselves in a professional manner when attending face to face courses with us and in any telephone or video calling contact. Candidates agree to complete tasks within the course, within set deadlines (deadlines will be agreed at the start of the course and may be changed with agreement with your tutor). Where a candidate conducts themselves in a disruptive, unprofessional or otherwise abusive manner at any point during the course, or fails to complete tasks within deadlines set, we reserve the right to withdraw the offer of a place on the course. If this happens, the refund policy will apply as per section 2 of these terms.
4. Contact details You must provide us with the correct personal details at the time of enrolment. This includes your name, address, date of birth, contact number and email address. We must also see a form of identification from you (a passport or driving licence). If any details change, you should inform us of this. Failure to do so, may lead to your certificate containing the wrong information or not being received by you. This may lead to additional costs being incurred by you. *