
Learner details
SKU: highfield-104 Category:


According to official statistics from the Home Office there are almost 750,000 people in England and Wales who hold a personal licence. If you’re looking to sell or authorise the sale of alcohol by retail on licensed premises you must hold a personal licence.

This e-learning course will cover the knowledge element of the level 2 award for personal licence holders (RQF).

The course

Highfield’s Level 2 Personal Licence Holder e-learning course is designed for learners looking for an awareness of personal licensing, or who wish to go on to achieve the level 2 award for personal licence holders (RQF) qualification. Achieving the qualification enables the learner to apply for a personal licence to sell alcohol.

Q: Is this suitable for me if I wish to apply for my personal licence?

A: No, you will need to take a regulated/invigilated exam in order to apply for a Personal Licence to sell alcohol, however, this is a good learning tool that can be used to enhance the regulated course. Follow this link to find a Highfield-approved training provider who can support you in attaining the qualification.

Areas covered

  • Licensing law
  • Personal licences
  • Premises licences
  • The protection of children
  • Powers and enforcement
  • Temporary events
  • Responsible alcohol retailing

Who is it aimed at?

Ideal for anyone who wishes to obtain a personal licence for the sale of alcohol in England or Wales.


No prior knowledge needed

Typical Duration

4 – 5 hours

How It Works

Our e-learning is available to use on multiple platforms such as tablets, PCs and laptops. All you need is an internet connection. Learners simply log on to the Highfield Learner Management System (LMS) and work their way through the course, along with the scenarios that provide them with real-life context.

Learners are assessed at the end of the course by multiple-choice questions.


Learners will receive a Highfield e-learning completion certificate, which is downloadable upon successfully finishing the course. Please note, this course only covers part of the qualification’s syllabus and not the full qualification.