Some local authorities require that you pass a disability awareness course in order to be licensed to drive a Hackney Carriage or Private Hire vehicle. To find out if your local authority requires you to take a disability awareness course please contact them directly. You should also check that we already work with your local authority to carry out a disability awareness course on their behalf.
The objective of this course is to enable new and existing taxi drivers to develop their understanding of how to recognise and support customers with disability, understand relevant legislation and ensure customers receive a high level of service.
Course fee
The fee is £45
What you must bring
- Your driving licence.
- If you have the old style (non-photocard) licence, then you must also bring a valid passport.
Amending or cancelling your Disability Awareness Course
You can amend or cancel your Disability Awareness Course once it has been booked. Please call us on 0330 111 7230 or email to do this. Please ensure you give enough notice to amend or cancel – you must give at least 4 clear working days notice so that you don’t lose your fee (working days = Monday to Friday, not including bank holidays. 4 clear working days, does not include the day you inform us you would like to cancel or the date of the disability awareness).